t: 0141 354 1470 | e: info@allianceprojectcontrols.com
HSUK are a major Norwegian based organisation, specialising in Tidal Wave Technology, as well as other initiatives associated with alternative energy source generation.
One of these major projects, was the Design, Construction, Installation and Commissioning of a HS1000 test rig in Orkney. Based in Glasgow, the management team has a requirement for planning support, to supplement the project as it evolved through design. The APC teamwere able to :-
People |
Planning Support and Reporting |
Process |
Establish WBS for both in house / subcontractor plans for correlation and progressing |
Systems |
MSP / Primavera interfaces for import / export to comply with HSUK software capabilities |
The main areas to benefit from the addition of Project Controls given were as follows:
Due to the nature / location of the project, it was critical to be aware and manage any Legislatory aspects to the project in terms of Environmental Acceptance criteria, and local government restrictions with regards to access routes to and from site.
Certain aspects of the project were reliant on gaining financial support from the Carbon Trust, which had to be factored in the project plan. Making allowances for this in terms of cost / schedule projections at an early stage was critical to the Management teams for planning for applications / approval periods
Both these issues highlighted the need for a robust and flexible plan to make allowances for their occurrence and any potential blockers to their happening, jeopardising the project in the process
Tom Elvin – (0796 612 0599)
Ricky Henry – (0779 278 5120)